Aloha Testimonials

“We have benefitted immensely from the experience and support of Aloha, which has resulted in a change to our health and lifestyles that we will continue with for the rest of our lives. While the program can seem complex and at times daunting early on, her knowledge and thoughtful encouragement was essential to our success in not only getting rid of weight, but seeing the prospects of a more rounded and healthy life.”

Greg (CEO BCBC) and Anna D’A (Accountant)


“I have known Aloha Johnson since 2012 as my business and personal mentor/coach. From her I have learned the importance of thinking outside of the box. She was a great support when I moved to a different city and had to begin again. She was there for me when I was struggling and wanting to quit encouraging me not give up, to keep trying, to focus on the positive and to use my skills and strengths to keep going. I always doubt about myself and she was able to give me focus and intention again. Without her support and encouragement, I would not have been able to continue. She has a way of unravelling my negative thoughts and frustration into something positive and do-able. She was always willing to hear me out and help me find my focus again, to find the right perspective and to understand so many things that I was not understanding, with lots of patience. This was true for the both the business and personal aspect: many times my struggles were personal issues, and she was a patient listener and had many words of wisdom for me.”

Leonor VB (Pharmacist/Entrepreneur)


“I first met Aloha many years ago when I started a new business. Aloha was my leader to coach, support, and encourage me as I grew my succesful business. Not only was Aloha an amazing business mentor, she impacted my life greatly in many areas over the years. Her probing questions and constant support challenged me to become a better person. I am who I am today in a big part because of a Aloha’s input as she walked with me through the ups and downs of life. In addition to being my business leader and life coach, Aloha introduced me to TKS two years ago. I was drawn by her commitment to the program and in particular, the mindset work. She encouraged me to make a full commitment to the TKS program and was there for me every step of the way. Aloha has a natural gift in challenging people to think about their thoughts, beliefs and actions and the impact that they have on their lives. I’m so blessed to have her in my life.”

Kathy R (Food Safe Instructor/Entrepreneur)



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